The Green Infrastructure Competition concluded!


IMG 8119

The competition for local case studies and implementation plans related to the conservation and/or development of green infrastructure has been concluded! 

As many as 14 Competition Teams were engaged in preparing their case studies and action plans for local-scale undertakings aimed at deployment of green infrastructure on the local scale, for the purpose of preservation of natural and landscape values of the Carpathians and of supporting the sustainable development of the region. 

The Competition aimed at spurring and enhancing cooperation and partnerships of local stakeholders from the Carpathian communes - in particular, their local self-governments, the so-called Local Action Groups (associations grouping self-governments and other local leaders), as well as other organisations and entities, and finall the inhabitants - towards proper spatial management and development of green infrastructure on the local scale. 

The deadline for the submission of their Competition entries was 31 October 2019, and final results were announced at the end of November 2019. Altogether, nine Competition entries were submitted. 

Five Competition Teams with the best case studies have been awarded by co-financing of a selected element of their local undertaking. 

More details are available in the LOCAL CASE STUDIES COMPETITION module elsewhere on this website.

Project LIFE16 GIE/PL/000648 has been co-financed by the European Union within the LIFE Programme
and the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management
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